How To Sync Your Google Calendar to BOS
For bandleaders, admins and musicians
Last Update 2 years ago
Do you want to sync your gigs in Back On Stage to your Google calendar for easy access?
Just follow these simple steps:
- Click your Profile Icon on the top right corner, then select “Subscribe to Your BOS Calendar”
- Then follow the prompts to give BOS permission to create a secondary calendar inside your Google account
- And..... DONE! That was easy! :D

Now all your gigging info will be visible on BOS, and on your Google Calendar!
Login Now To Sync Your Google Cal
NOTE: Each Back On Stage user account can only sync to one google account. All the bookings that your unique user account is connected to in Back On Stage will be synced to Google through your single subscription.
If You Change Gig Details On Google, Will They Sync To BOS?
No. The calendar sync works one-way; only information entered into BOS gets pushed to your Google account, but not the other way around. If you make changes to synced events in your Google calendar, these changes will be overwritten when the next sync occurs.
What Does A Synced Booking Look Like In Google Cal?
The booking details that BOS syncs to your Google cal include some basic gig details followed by a direct link to the booking inside BOS. Just click that link to open the booking for the rest of the details.