Sync Problems Between BOS & Google Calendar App on Android

For bandleaders or musicians having issues with Google Calendar Device Sync


Last Update 2 ปีที่แล้ว

​Each Back On Stage user account can only sync to one google account. So if you are trying to sync to multiple google accounts, that won't work, unfortunately.

​But if you're like most people and your smartphone is in fact using the same Google account as your desktop computer, then your smartphone will ALREADY be subscribed, as soon as you went through the process on your laptop. 

To see your Back On Stage calendar on your smartphone, turn it on by following these steps: 

  1. Click on the settings menu at the top left of the Google Calendar app
  2. Scroll down to your list of calendars
  3. Put a checkmark next to your "Back On Stage" calendar  

If you do not see your new "Back On Stage" calendar inside your google cal app, try quitting and relaunching the app.


Events Syncing on Web Browser Google Calendar, But Not Syncing to Mobile Device

In this case, there's likely an issue with your devices Google Calendar app version. Please update to the latest Google Calendar app and restart the app.

Events Not Syncing on Web Browser Google Calendar Or Mobile Device (Google Calendar App)

In this case, there may be an error between the BOS connection and your google account. Please follow these steps to reset your BOS → Google Account link:

1. Login to your BOS account and click on the profile icon. Select "Unsubscribe from your BOS Calendar". Follow the prompts to unsubscribe.

2. Click on the profile icon again and select "Subscribe to you BOS Calendar" and follow the prompts to resubscribe.

Still having trouble?

Please take a look at this article on how to fix sync problems with Google Calendar app.

If you have tried all the solutions in that article and still do not see your BOS events showing up in your Google Calendar app, please try posting a ticket to the Google Calendar Support forum.

The "Last Resort" Solution

If your Google Calendar app still won't show events from your BOS calendar, you can navigate to your Google calendar within your Chrome browser, then just save the link to your home screen for quick access. That way, you're not actually using the Google cal App, but you can still have quick access to your gigs from your phone.

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